
Showing posts from 2011

The Obsession of Superlatives

Let me start outright by apologizing for the inactivity on the blog, as pointed by a few special people now with some sharp questions "You didn't write anything last weekend". I would say..A bit of laziness, a bit of busy schedule and largely responsible is the reading activity resumed over the long weekend. I’m not much of a reader, but get stuck onto a few things which I find interesting, sometimes. For last few days, I have been thinking and observing mental activity and obsessions! With the type of industry I work in, people here are more obsessed than being passionate. The route we take to the office should be the quickest. Our turnaround time should be fastest. The quality of code should be best and what not. I stuck with the thought of this  obsession and rat race with the perspective of life - Why do we always want the best?  The advertisements always stress upon the superlatives in the articulately constructed product descriptions. The biggest space, widest ran

Hope in the Inbox..

Everyday i start my desktop/lappi with a hope, a hope to open my inbox and find a new mail.. i dont know what is it that i am seeking in there but i have this anxiety to look for something in the inbox. rather a mail that would provide me some clue to my so-called direction-less life, a mail that would add meaning to my current life, a mail that would be a surprise and would come as a life changer.. a mail that would add a new dimension to life and change the meaning of my existence. Every damn day there is a hope in me that emerges since the time i open my eyes and every damn night i sleep with a hope that tomorrow will bring with it the change in my life... hope, hope, and only hope...

You are not running out of time

Tale of two conquerors Early in his political career, Julius Caesar is said to have wept upon reading a biography of Alexander the Great. When asked why, he apparently said, “Do you think, I have not just cause to weep, when I consider that Alexander at my age had conquered so many nations, and I have all this time done nothing that is memorable!” This story was seared in my memory when I read it in high school, because it spoke to my own search for achievement: I had read that at 17, Bill Gates had already created his first successful business venture. At the same age, I hadn’t even figured out where to start. It didn’t make me weep, but it did make me worry. And so, incredibly, at 17 I genuinely wondered: W as I running out of time? It seems amusing now – but back then I was deadly serious. The game You know the feeling – the feeling of being left behind in the race for achievement. Of falling back in ‘the game’. For some people, the game is keeping up with the Joneses:

The best time of your lyf...Part 1

Sometimes some simple questions simply dont have answer. I was discussing something funny with a friend of mine and a question popped up from the other side. It was a pretty simple question as I thought at first. Later when it came to me to answer, I could not answer. May be I didnt had any answer... It was a simple question....What was the best span of time of your life? Simple na...very simple...but i bet most of you will be confused answering it. i pondered my thought over I had nothing to do in bus in that deadly traffic jam while coming from office... I thought over it a lot..I realized each time, I had best of the moments..the moments that i can cherish..but I could not find that best span of time..But me , a self made philosopher answer dis philosophical question this way... When I was a child and everything was taken care of 4 me that was d best time of my life. When I was nurtured by my parents, that was d best time of my life. When I was going to school and learning


A few people you come across...have a way of saying things...that shake us at the core.With those few people, even when the words do not seem harsh or offensive, the impact is shattering. There is something that is magical about them...n there are people who may talk to you a lot..but dont seem convincing at all..I tried to crack this puzzle down....To find out, what is it that plays the important role?  I later realiized that what we could be experiencing is the intent behind the words. When we intend to do good, we do. When we intend to do harm, it happens. What each of us must come to realize is that our intent always comes through. Its the intent that somewhere makes the difference and our mind is quick enough to realize that..I feel, the emotion is the energy that motivates. Thats why when some people even if they talk some ordinary things..motivates one to the fullest and sometimes people around talking a lot of motivating stuff seems to be non sense and un convincing... We ca

IT developer mailbox pattern


A Child in Us & the Spark

It was friday afternoon...After a meeting it caught up with bad then i somehow got a bit recovered n stuck up in the discussion of "Spark" in the relationships..i came across a lot of thoughts here n somehow I was not concinced with myself...later as I reached home..i pondered over this thought of "Spark" to keep that alive ? Then after a few random thoughts i realized that the key to this spark is the child in us..A few days back i read... a child smiles 300 times a day, a teenager 30 and an adult merely 21 times a day.. What happens to us over a period of time? Why do happy, carefree n curious kids turn into such fearful, complexed, cynical and hardened adults? What is it, that changes? Are we bemused because the novelty of life’s learning’s and experiences has worn off? Or Is it financial pressure that changes the axis of a smile into a grimace? I feel the situations have not changed but our reactions to them have certainly changed...Is

21 Small Habits that will help simplify your life

Breathe.  When stressed, lost in a problem or the past or future in your mind breathe with your belly for two minutes and just focus on the air going in and out. This will calm your body down and bring your mind back into the present moment again. Do one thing at a time.  You’ll get better results and feel better and less stressed while doing those things. Write it all down.  Use your mind for better things than remembering what to do. And the mind is often like a leaky bucket. So write down all your great ideas, insights, and thoughts before they go missing somewhere and add what you need to do to a to-do list. Do all your food shopping once a week.  You’ll save time, energy and possibly money. Stop doing what you don’t like doing anymore.  Life changes and so do you. If you you don’t like doing something anymore then stop doing that (even if it may take some time before you can do so by for example switching jobs). Stop trying to please everyone.  There will always be people

The Paradoxical Modern India

What I write is what I look around..n I get the best chance to look into the Indian mindset while I travel..n me being accustomed to almost nomadic lyfstyle.. i travel quite frequently..n that too by train..d lifeline of India.. It is a few days back that I boarded the always it was packed n me searchin for a little space to even put a single bag in my entire compartment. n then luckily I could see some vacant space in top berth n I rested my bag there..After a while as I settled down..i took out the book from my bag...d one borrowed from someone for a while but with me for a while for the lack of time to read it..n I started going through it... Just the next station arrived in a matter of half an hour..n with the noise around I started rolling my eyes over d compartment and me being the observer by nature started to think on what I see. What I see around is a couple in my compartment.. d husband would b around mid thirties..n d wife would b around 30..may b in

Reason, Season & Lifetime

People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When you figure out which one it is you will know what to do for each person. When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty; to provide you with guidance and support; to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend, and they are. they are there for the reason you need them to be. Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled; their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on. Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has come to share, grow or lea

My Train Journey

It feels so wonderful..  To be on your own.. All by yourself.. In the train..Swaying to the beats of the train.. I amongst the unknown crowd, Seated with an eye on my luggage.. And the other on my novel..  The solemn music of the train..The rhythm, the pattern.. The feeling of the strong wind on my face, so prominent, just like a splash of water! I in my cozy window seat..It’s so exciting The people around searching for seat.. The TC in daily mood of corruption  Luggage stacked overhead in a row, Fans not working, Tubes flickering, No call... no messaging! (Due to no network :-P) The Indian railways is Always so amazing..

a day in lyf of IT

As starts with morning alarm..i try to keep it based on my daily lyf feelings..these days i have "hum kis gali ja rahe" by atif..a few snoozes n finally gettin ready in a hurry..thinkin of unbearable heat if the ofc bus is missed.. 8:15 am: i head 2 my ofc bus stop..n d sun is almost out bt still a bit of cool breeze makin lyf possible..thinking a dull and mundane day it would be…i am still confused and fighting with myself…rushing through the busy roads trying to get my ID card out of bag as i m almost close to the stop..i started waiting 4 d bus 2 come..ppl around waiting in the long queue for the pool car or one of those dull PMPML bus to arrive…people give a strange look at the messy me…i wonder..why is it always so difficult to decipher their thoughts?? what is so bloody bothering them?? i can be messy..i can drop all my things on the road…but what has that gotta do with them?? i observe tht the queue breaks as soon as a box like vehicle arrives…people stacke


I adapted this title from the song I heard recently and found much related in my profession. I am not exactly d emotional person ..neither am I expert at face atleast I can understand those well whom I know personally n connect well. n I would call myself lucky on people tend to lose these abilities workin in IT..and the same I try to put it in words here.. 13 april i make an attempt to understand the human nature..i felt that the absence of person who touches most aspect of your daily lives can create a huge void..d one difficult to fill in...n this happens time and again in IT that you miss someone whom you feel like talkin to..sharing the funniest of moments and the hardest of time..d one wid whom you have the closest of get selfish for a want the time to stop and not let the person again at d very next moment u being the wellwisher want the best for them.. This change being the part of lyf..u try to adjust urself in an