
I adapted this title from the song I heard recently and found much related in my profession.

I am not exactly d emotional person ..neither am I expert at face reading..bt atleast I can understand those well whom I know personally n connect well. n I would call myself lucky on that..as people tend to lose these abilities workin in IT..and the same I try to put it in words here..

13 april 2011...as i make an attempt to understand the human nature..i felt that the absence of person who touches most aspect of your daily lives can create a huge void..d one difficult to fill in...n this happens time and again in IT that you miss someone whom you feel like talkin to..sharing the funniest of moments and the hardest of time..d one wid whom you have the closest of ties...you get selfish for a moment..you want the time to stop and not let the person go..bt again at d very next moment u being the wellwisher want the best for them..

This change being the part of lyf..u try to adjust urself in an environment around different ppl and everything seems too boring all of the sudden..bt as alwayz its never easy to gel wid others n especially wen u r of the reserved kind..

I know my opinions matter least here...only thing i say that its important to move on..n njoy..so i leave it to the reader and time as to what to write ahead..I get apart with my unrhymed poetry..

As it always happens,
we part,
we cross again,
we look and dwell..
its been ages,
we dreamt and realized..
its sharing time and moments
we relive the dreams
those ones in the enchanted world
dreams as illusive as it can be..
time STOPS,
so do we..
yet again to part...
yet again to cross...
n it goes on...


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