A Child in Us & the Spark

It was friday afternoon...After a meeting it caught up with bad mood..bt then i somehow got a bit recovered n stuck up in the discussion of "Spark" in the relationships..i came across a lot of thoughts here n there..bt somehow I was not concinced with myself...later as I reached home..i pondered over this thought of "Spark"..how to keep that alive ?

Then after a few random thoughts i realized that the key to this spark is the child in us..A few days back i read... a child smiles 300 times a day, a teenager 30 and an adult merely 21 times a day.. What happens to us over a period of time? Why do happy, carefree n curious kids turn into such fearful, complexed, cynical and hardened adults? What is it, that changes? Are we bemused because the novelty of life’s learning’s and experiences has worn off? Or Is it financial pressure that changes the axis of a smile into a grimace?

I feel the situations have not changed but our reactions to them have certainly changed...Is it that one alwayz needs to be thoughful in his answer? Cant we be insane sometimes? Why cant we wake up laughing without thinking about what needs to be accomplished that day? Cant we simply pummel someone with a pillow without being chided for being childish?

I wonder why we eventually bury the one thing that keeps us vibrant: The child in us!

To quote Lewis Carroll:

“I'd give all the wealth that years have piled
The slow result of Life's decay
To be once more a little child
For one bright, summer-day”


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