The best time of your lyf...Part 1

Sometimes some simple questions simply dont have answer. I was discussing something funny with a friend of mine and a question popped up from the other side. It was a pretty simple question as I thought at first. Later when it came to me to answer, I could not answer. May be I didnt had any answer...

It was a simple question....What was the best span of time of your life? Simple na...very simple...but i bet most of you will be confused answering it. i pondered my thought over I had nothing to do in bus in that deadly traffic jam while coming from office...

I thought over it a lot..I realized each time, I had best of the moments..the moments that i can cherish..but I could not find that best span of time..But me , a self made philosopher answer dis philosophical question this way...

When I was a child and everything was taken care of 4 me that was d best time of my life.
When I was nurtured by my parents, that was d best time of my life.
When I was going to school and learning the things I know today, that was the best time of my life.
When I went to college and had all fun that I laugh over still today, that was the best time of my life.
When I met someone special and felt d magic of love, that was the best time of my life.
When I got my first job and got pay first paycheck, that was the best time of my life.

Or is it that the best is still to come ? As i always believe...

Till the time I realize the best for too can think over it..I am waiting for your answers...

I will be back soon with an answer to this.


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