
A few people you come across...have a way of saying things...that shake us at the core.With those few people, even when the words do not seem harsh or offensive, the impact is shattering. There is something that is magical about them...n there are people who may talk to you a lot..but dont seem convincing at all..I tried to crack this puzzle down....To find out, what is it that plays the important role? 

I later realiized that what we could be experiencing is the intent behind the words. When we intend to do good, we do. When we intend to do harm, it happens. What each of us must come to realize is that our intent always comes through. Its the intent that somewhere makes the difference and our mind is quick enough to realize that..I feel, the emotion is the energy that motivates.

Thats why when some people even if they talk some ordinary things..motivates one to the fullest and sometimes people around talking a lot of motivating stuff seems to be non sense and un convincing... We cannot sugarcoat the feelings in our heart of hearts. 

We cannot ignore what we really want to create. We should be honest and do it the way we feel it. What we owe to ourselves and everyone around is to examine the reasons of our true intent.

What is the quality of your intent ?


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