
June 4 , 2010

The kolkata chapter would be closed for me soon…as I say, “I am done with the city”…may be I feel there is nothing much I can gain from here..may be the call of some other place making me do this..may be my priorities over-running my stay here...may be there is nothing more left for me to contribute to this city… or may be, just, my destiny is driving me somewhere else...

So there I will be…packing each little thing I would find essential to carry…sometime very soon…things would be cluttered all over my bed – books, files, important documents, clothes, fragrances, shoes, shades, watches and a box of typical bengali sweet rasgulla – I must carry dis sweet part of kolkata with me…widout which one cant imagine kolkata fully..

There would a few other things from office, which I would want to carry…the typical belgian chocolate wrapper…it would remind him of the few sweet chocolate loots in my office...those small parties at ABC corner.. a pic copied from someone else's album in picasa -- a group photo of my team - the whole bunch of fun loving ppl in office...those rainy evenings waiting for the cab outside office...all important learnings from the action of people here n there..

A few memories of my trips from kolkata that i carry...nice pictures of kolkata..a city of joy and a heritage city as they call it...shivering cold of north east in my gangtok visit..the Oriental dragon pictures taken in some monastery in Sikkim…sunrise in Darjeeling...a new year celebration on 31st dec late nite in parkstreet...a visit to kali temple for blessings ...the rowing in water of ganga from dakshineswar to belur and the silence of belur touching the soul...all with few sweet friends here...

Also apart from all these..a few new friends...all who made my stay in kolkata special....a lot of talks wid my friend priyank.. on all those topics that came our way.. on tea stalls outside office...and then offcourse how I can forget the beautiful bengali girls..found them wherever i peeped through the window of the yellow taxi...

All of these very carefully stacked inside..some in my VIP bag n d rest in my heart...

I am standing still with the bag…my Dell lapi, nokia and a few other gadgets lying here and there on the bed…thinking that the life will change for me…I would feel swish…there was not a long time left to finish packing…25Kgs max I can carry…as per wat airlines say....also a thing not to be packed...i would carry...1 kg weight gained during my stay....may be there can be a calibration error of weighing machine...

So, now its time to pack the ‘important’ stuff and dump the unimportant rest…perhaps all that I had stored and secured in an year in kolkata...


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