the first rain..

the first things in life are always worth remembering...the first silence...the first exchange of looks... the first love... the first rain drops after dry summer days. Rains are the wings of desire, nvr tired of floating from the sky of one heart to another. the sky gets enveloped in dark grey clouds. you hear the first distant rumblings of thunder...and you come out in the porch to feel the force of the wind...n suddenly the wind turns into gale and rain starts to pour all around...on green leaves and the on window pane... the chattering, blabbering of the drops when it flows through the pipe. the music played by these drops are innocently composed by the grey clouds..the smell of earth wen soaked by these drops of rain is like the aroma of you have been waiting for such long...

Rains have always been accompanied by love.N Ahhhh.. what a feeling if your love accompanying you in the rains... Rains like love can never be caged, they elope with the matured clouds of emotions…you sing, you dance..with the music of rain...the feeling the numbs senses, you die so many times in the arms of rains, not to repent the death.....

As a child, i always liked to get drenched in the first rain of the season, to play on the muddy roads besides my house... to race my bicycle on the roads freely... to look up and feel the rain drops on my forehead. And with the age these urges n my likes manifested into feelings more mature, more contained but the charm did not fade. Still today...i feel like walkin in rains...feeling the lightness...putting all my daily lyf things aside...Such is the effect of rain.... 


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