I being a big cricket fan and an IT guy..get to hear the word "ATTITUDE" quite a lot..n wid a weekend on..i decided to give a thought on it...n suddenly another word poped up in my mind "TALENT" n soon i found them makin a conflict as if to prove their superiority..

Wat dictionary says about these words
TALENT : A marked innate ability, as for artistic accomplishment.
ATTITUDE : A state of mind or a feeling

Just i finished up lukin d dictionary meaning one more word came up "EXCELLENCE".

I rolled back in time to my school days..i realized its TALENT leadin to EXCELLENCE..me being unware of the word ATTITUDE those days..i started to move ahead further n as I grew up..now I can see that a major major part of excellence has nothin to do wid our talent..

In the course of time as u go beyond a certain level the ability or talent is the most useless virtue to possess..its wat we do wid tht TALENT matters n there comes d word ATTITUDE..Beyond a point its attitude that matters far far..more than talent..TALENT breeds EGO..n that does not solve the problem...

I am fascinated to see some very talented people around me but the moment they hit the road block..they r down n out..i reached to a conclusion after knowing them..that they nevr had to struggle b4 to success..always their talent came handy..and they could not take a decision wat to do wen they r stuck..

I was watchin a pre-match T20 world cup cricket show. n I remembered somethin to relate wid this word ATTITUDE..the example of a very talented cricketer VINOD KAMBLI..d moment he was attacked by bouncers of Courtney Walsh in Bombay..he didnt knew wat to do..he was jst 22 yrs old thn..n he nevr played a text match frm there on...he had TALENT..bt that ATTITUDE was missing..

And two days back I was readin n I came across a very strange research analysis..that in australian army wen they r buildin an elitcore team they luk up the career record..n if the person has nevr failed they dont pick up..they doubt their decision makin ATTITUDE of those who have nevr failed b4..they want ppl..who fail n have ability to bounce back..

Thats wherecomes into picture a very close fiend of Kambli..the god of cricket..SACHIN TENDULKAR..a man wid the right mix of talent and attitude..let me tell u..he nevr scored a century till his 75th one day bt he had tht extra mile "ATTUTUDE" and luk where he is today...i dont think there is any need to tell more on SACHIN..

It was again a new day n it was the movie LAGAAN goin on on my television set..n i found another example of wat attitude can do and not the talent..the few villagers with a right attitude ends up beatin talented English guys..n wat i found evn more interestin was the atttude of DEVA SINGH SODHI...wen asked wat he knows about the game CRICKET..he told 2 things - " Agar gend fekun to teeeno lakdiyan ki dhajiyan uda dun (Wen I throw the ball i shatter all 3 stumps) aur agar gend khelu to gend nu chir ke rakh du (And when I hit the ball i smash it into pieces)"..

My readers..just luk around... you will soon find..ATTITUDE is wat keeps up the TALENT sailing..


  1. Very True.. Buddy.. Where Talent can get you into IIM, its your attitude which will help you survive in that IVY league.


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