Where is LOVE ?

"Where is love"..I quizzed the sea
"In my sapphire waves it lies" it roared proudly.

"Where is love"..I asked the trees 
"In our sweet berries" they replied merrily

"Where is love"..I questioned the azure
"In my pearly raindrops" it thundered

"Where is love"..I interrogated breeze
"In my gentle stillness" it decreed.

"Where is love"..I enquired fire
"In my golden flames" it answered with ire

"Where is love"..I questioned the earth
"Dwells in my children's mirth"..it moved d answer..

"Where is love"..I asked a baby
"In my mother's arms"..he replied naively

"Where is love"..I cross-examined his mother
"In my baby's titter"..looking at her child's face..

"Where is love?" I asked a young girl
She returned "In his heart is my world"

"Where is love?" someone asked me
Confused I snapped "Love is in whatever I see"

Love is everywhere around me
Love is in the AIR...

Then I questioned myself
Yet why do I feel so lonely?"


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