
Showing posts from July, 2011

The best time of your lyf...Part 1

Sometimes some simple questions simply dont have answer. I was discussing something funny with a friend of mine and a question popped up from the other side. It was a pretty simple question as I thought at first. Later when it came to me to answer, I could not answer. May be I didnt had any answer... It was a simple question....What was the best span of time of your life? Simple na...very simple...but i bet most of you will be confused answering it. i pondered my thought over I had nothing to do in bus in that deadly traffic jam while coming from office... I thought over it a lot..I realized each time, I had best of the moments..the moments that i can cherish..but I could not find that best span of time..But me , a self made philosopher answer dis philosophical question this way... When I was a child and everything was taken care of 4 me that was d best time of my life. When I was nurtured by my parents, that was d best time of my life. When I was going to school and learning


A few people you come across...have a way of saying things...that shake us at the core.With those few people, even when the words do not seem harsh or offensive, the impact is shattering. There is something that is magical about them...n there are people who may talk to you a lot..but dont seem convincing at all..I tried to crack this puzzle down....To find out, what is it that plays the important role?  I later realiized that what we could be experiencing is the intent behind the words. When we intend to do good, we do. When we intend to do harm, it happens. What each of us must come to realize is that our intent always comes through. Its the intent that somewhere makes the difference and our mind is quick enough to realize that..I feel, the emotion is the energy that motivates. Thats why when some people even if they talk some ordinary things..motivates one to the fullest and sometimes people around talking a lot of motivating stuff seems to be non sense and un convincing... We ca

IT developer mailbox pattern


A Child in Us & the Spark

It was friday afternoon...After a meeting it caught up with bad then i somehow got a bit recovered n stuck up in the discussion of "Spark" in the relationships..i came across a lot of thoughts here n somehow I was not concinced with myself...later as I reached home..i pondered over this thought of "Spark" to keep that alive ? Then after a few random thoughts i realized that the key to this spark is the child in us..A few days back i read... a child smiles 300 times a day, a teenager 30 and an adult merely 21 times a day.. What happens to us over a period of time? Why do happy, carefree n curious kids turn into such fearful, complexed, cynical and hardened adults? What is it, that changes? Are we bemused because the novelty of life’s learning’s and experiences has worn off? Or Is it financial pressure that changes the axis of a smile into a grimace? I feel the situations have not changed but our reactions to them have certainly changed...Is