Shadow's Breath

The path we follow, it ends somewhere. Choose wisely or you may fall.

Granted the past, look forward and do not regret. Memories live strong and die hard.

Time is in no hurry, eternity being the only guideline. Life is a series of interconnected choices, there is no right or wrong, just different endings.

Learn, do not fret. There is a purpose to everything. The answers we seek come, when shadows breath comes knocking...


  1. wah virale,,,,Dot net developer ma thi writer sahi hai,recession ma pan tane kai vadho nathi,,,,good work,,:)

  2. Ah I differ from you here. It seems very serious point of view towards life. But I take life lightly as we get life only once so i think should not waste it in thinking much. Just follow your heart an don't worry about the shadows and falling down. Because evenif you fall down you will learn something new and after few years, you will laugh on your fall and enjoy your success :)


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