
Showing posts from August, 2011

The Obsession of Superlatives

Let me start outright by apologizing for the inactivity on the blog, as pointed by a few special people now with some sharp questions "You didn't write anything last weekend". I would say..A bit of laziness, a bit of busy schedule and largely responsible is the reading activity resumed over the long weekend. I’m not much of a reader, but get stuck onto a few things which I find interesting, sometimes. For last few days, I have been thinking and observing mental activity and obsessions! With the type of industry I work in, people here are more obsessed than being passionate. The route we take to the office should be the quickest. Our turnaround time should be fastest. The quality of code should be best and what not. I stuck with the thought of this  obsession and rat race with the perspective of life - Why do we always want the best?  The advertisements always stress upon the superlatives in the articulately constructed product descriptions. The biggest space, widest ran

Hope in the Inbox..

Everyday i start my desktop/lappi with a hope, a hope to open my inbox and find a new mail.. i dont know what is it that i am seeking in there but i have this anxiety to look for something in the inbox. rather a mail that would provide me some clue to my so-called direction-less life, a mail that would add meaning to my current life, a mail that would be a surprise and would come as a life changer.. a mail that would add a new dimension to life and change the meaning of my existence. Every damn day there is a hope in me that emerges since the time i open my eyes and every damn night i sleep with a hope that tomorrow will bring with it the change in my life... hope, hope, and only hope...

You are not running out of time

Tale of two conquerors Early in his political career, Julius Caesar is said to have wept upon reading a biography of Alexander the Great. When asked why, he apparently said, “Do you think, I have not just cause to weep, when I consider that Alexander at my age had conquered so many nations, and I have all this time done nothing that is memorable!” This story was seared in my memory when I read it in high school, because it spoke to my own search for achievement: I had read that at 17, Bill Gates had already created his first successful business venture. At the same age, I hadn’t even figured out where to start. It didn’t make me weep, but it did make me worry. And so, incredibly, at 17 I genuinely wondered: W as I running out of time? It seems amusing now – but back then I was deadly serious. The game You know the feeling – the feeling of being left behind in the race for achievement. Of falling back in ‘the game’. For some people, the game is keeping up with the Joneses: