
Showing posts from November, 2010

The Odd Men Out.

Sometimes I feel like laughing at the desperate comedy of the world! This is the world full of people intoxicated with their own egos, drunk with a sense of their own importance, who just go off gadded about in their automobiles, in frequent expensive malls and restaurants to blow off all their money on works of ‘art’ of singular hideousness, which probably won’t serve any worthwhile purpose other than lurking in some sinister corner of their oddly decorated mansion. In all their ‘oddliness’, things are found that would best adorn the dustbin, of pure aesthetic value. It’s the age of the Odd, Absurd and the Useless. Fashion changes with teeth-grinding regularity. Sometimes feel like questioning:  Who decides what’s in and what’s out, anyway? Bizarre designs of highly overrated designers are exorbitantly expensive. Yet, for the love of the Odd, the excessively rich, go ahead and purchase the potentially unwearables and only settle for the best. Maybe filling the house with things one do